sunnuntai 24. marraskuuta 2013

Something to begin with

As my university years are rapidly growing short and the great beyond (also known as the working life) is beckoning, I see that it is time for me to create a platform of a portfolio to display my work at least from this day forth. I will also return to some older work. This blog will consist of different types of audiovisual art in a more or less chaotic arrangement. Do enjoy and comment!

To begin with, here's a comic that I created for a student publication earlier this fall. I now fixed it up a bit and it's good enough for an online release. The main theme for the entire publication was "monsters" and originally I did intend to have murderous robots in my story. However, I decided to go with a more subtle dystopian approach, which would also lay down some ground for a larger concept of a futuristic story. In this story the "monster" is the world itself. This is the second publication of my fellow art students and me, and I already scraped the surface of this story in the first one. However, I wasn't able to come up with a decent story at that point yet, so the first book didn't actually have a comic written by me. Instead I made my spot into a game page. That I can also include here as a bonus, so you can print it and have some fun.

Oh yeah, and if you're lucky enough to have a chance to get your hands on the actual publication LTT 2 by our students of the University of Lapland, check out all the awesome stories in it. It's a rare collector's item worth keeping.

And then the Bonus Round!

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